Elmwood Taco and Subs owners have launched an out of control union-busting campaign against their workers. We are calling on the Buffalo community to stop going to ETS until they respect their workers legal right to organize a union.

sign the pledge

I pledge to not go to Elmwood Taco and Subs until the workers end their boycott.

We will also provide you with updates about the boycott, our campaign, and when you should return to ETS.

why are we boycotting?

Workers at ETS decided to organize a union because their labor and work was not being respected. In response, ETS owners have launched an intense and illegal union-busting campaign that includes: dramatically cutting workers’ hours in retaliation for their union activity, demoting workers for exercising their legal right to strike, wrongfully disciplining workers, and more. We are calling on a boycott until management ends their union-busting campaign and respects their workers’ legal rights.


  • The purpose of the boycott is to send a message to the owners of ETS that they should respect their workers’ right to have a union. The company has retaliated against union leaders and interfered with the workers’ desire to have a collective bargaining agreement. Since the moment ETS ownership learned of the union effort they have retaliated against and bullied their workers in hopes of forcing everyone to quit. One example is severe hours cuts to union leaders so that they cannot afford food or rent.

    ETS customers and the Buffalo community should stand with the workers and demand that the company change its behavior.

  • The boycott will end as soon as the company agrees to stop fighting the union, settles the unfair labor practice charges filed, and bargains fairly with the workers. We hope this will end very soon. We want to be able to support ETS as a business and serve our community as a proud union restaurant.

  • Family owned businesses are not exempt from the law. Many small family-owned businesses work well with their workers’ union; there is no reason this can’t happen here. We want a collaborative relationship with ETS. The ball is in their court to make that happen.

  • You can support the workers by making it clear that you refuse to patronize the store until the labor dispute is resolved.